
November 18, 2010

:: ba alif cha alif ::


"suddenly, life has a new meaning.."
heheh, takdelah! ;p
[teringat waktu kat Taylor's, notis ni selalu pop up kat computer the Web, ngeh3]

okeh, serius.
nothing much, just want to share some ideas on 'reading'.

..satu cerita..
i've been studying molecular biology at the library sooo hard yesterday,
till at one point, i ordered a 'DNA-glazed donut' at the Tim Horton!
malu tak terkata of course, since there were few fellow classmates
lining up behind me, well, yeah, they giggled incessantly, and...
i joined them. [to avoid malu] ;(

ohh, giggling yeh? huh, but somehow i was delighted.
when i think about it again today, that reflects how hhaarrdd i studied yesterday. hik3 ;p

back to the topic: reading

lately, it feels like reading is in again.
yeah, i enjoy reading so much.
if i have nothing better to do, i know i can always get a book,
and get INto the book, and... live in a new world. hua3

well, honestly, like i said, just the feelings though.
somehow, i don't have enough time to spend on both studies and 'reading-for-the-joy-of-it'.
maybe because of my poor time management. i admit that.
lab reports, assignments, problem sets, and tests are every week. dizzy.
[haippp! jangan mengeluh, okay2..]

but, for the sake of 'reading', i do some blog hopping whenever i'm free.
blog hopping is not the same as blog walking though.
i bookmarked the blogs that i always 'hop into'. ;p
plus, they are the blogs that are cool, i admire the bloggers
and their writings are just awesome!

but, there are some people who.. just don't like reading.
not that they hate it, just that reading is not in their routines or..
reading is not the first thing to do during the free time.
who am i to judge them? no, i'm not judging them, i'm just saying..


well, let me quote some words from kak hanim's blog,

"Suatu ketika dahulu Moshe Dayan (bekas Menteri Luar Israel), menyatakan secara terbuka
cita-cita dan keinginan negaranya.(membina Israel Raya dari Nil ke Furat).

Dia mendapat serangan dan kecaman dari bangsanya, kerana mereka khuatir pernyataannya
itu dibaca oleh bangsa Arab (umat Islam) dan rencana jahatnya diketahui.
Namun dengan tenang ia menjawab serangan kaumnya, katanya:

“Tenanglah, percayalah padaku, bangsa Arab (dan juga Melayu – penterjemah) tidak akan
membacanya, kerana mereka tidak suka dan malas membaca”.

Inilah kenyataan pahit yang dimiliki suatu umat yang ayat pertama dalam kitab yang
diturunkan kepadanya memerintahkan; “Iqra” (bacalah).

"Ternyata mereka malas dan tidak suka membaca. Kalaupun membaca, mereka tidak pandai
memahami, kalaupun memahami, mereka tidak bersungguh-sungguh dalam melaksanakannya."

(Dr. Yusof Qaradawi). "


is this true?
hmm. just like what kak hanim said,
'jangan cuma mengutuk kegelapan tanpa cuba menyalakan lilin.'

jom membaca!
sempena raya korban ni, jom kita korbankan video2 kat youtube [sedikit pun ok!]
dan gantikan dengan aktiviti membaca.
ye, salina faham, dah selalu sangat membaca kan?
chemistry, calculus, biology, physics, etc.
semua kena baca. tapi, apa salina maksudkan adalah buku-buku selain buku-buku akademik.

boleyhhh punyer!
nak start dengan apa jenis buku pun boleh!
'winning habits'? 'salju sakinah'? 'the 7 habits of highly effective people'? 'sahih al-bukhari'?
boleh boleh boleh. apa saje untuk starter. ;D

inshaAllah, bacalah apapun, asalkan bermanfaat.
selamat membaca! ;))

p/s: saw some great books at a friend's house in Toronto, tapi sebab owner [senior punyer kot?] takde, takleh pinjam ;((
sampai sekarang kempunan.



atiqah said...

hee buku apa salina ada?mane tau ade yg menarik nak pinjamm?heh tak malu.

nanti jumpa kat RIS kite leh bg bbrp buku yg kite ada. ganti kempunan tu ;p

saLiNa said...

heheh, thanks atiqah.

tapi buku banyak kat Malaysia.
yang ada kat sini, just some philosophy books withdrawn from the library, so kutip yang tu je.
nanti nak beli some books kat RIS juga inshaAllah.
last year, nak beli tapi crowd sangat, menanges2 kat tengah2 crowd tu bila kawan2 hilang [agoraphobia?] ;p

p/s: buku aristotle ade la kalau nak pinjam, hahah.