"The loss of Abu Talib may have placed Muhammad in a precarious situation,
but the death of Khadija left him absolutely devastated.
She was, after all, not only his wife, but also hhis support and comfort,
the person who had lifted him out of his poverty,
who had quite literally saved his life.
In a polygamous society,
in which both men and women are allowed an unlimited number of spouses,
Muhammad's monogamous relationship with a woman fifteen years his elder was remarkable,
to say the least.
Maxime Rodinson's assertion that it is unlikely Muhammad would have felt any physical passion for Khadija,
given her age, is both unsubstantiated and offensive.
The loss of Abu Talib's protection was certainly demoralizing,
if not detrimental to Muhammad's physical security.
But returning home after one of his painfully violent revelatory experiences,
or after suffering another indignity from the Quraysh -
his head covered in dirt, his tunic defiled with blood -
and not having Khadija there to wrap him in her cloak and hold him in her arms until the terror subsided must have been an unimaginable sorrow for the Prophet."
this is an excerpt from "No God but God" by Reza Aslan.
it's a not-so-old book that I'm currently skimming through.
the book is suprisingly hard to put down!
[tapi, halaju pembacaan amat amat amatlah slow............]
inshaAllah will be finished sooooon!
p/s: sedang menulis di satu tempat yang subhanallah, amat indah. macam tak percaya tercampak ke tanah Allah yang walau terpencil, tapi amat indah. sayang Allah! :)